The American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division has awarded the 2018 George Ellery Hale Prize to Department of Astronomy professor and chair Sarbani Basu.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has named Marla Geha, professor of astronomy and physics, as one of its new HHMI Professors chosen for their extraordinary teaching...
New research by Yale University scientists suggests rocky planets orbiting other stars may hide thick layers of diamond beneath the surface.
“A carbon-rich planet likely...
Yoram Alhassid, the newly named Frederick Phineas Rose Professor of Physics, is a renowned theoretical physicist who leads a broad research program focused on correlated...
On a quiet evening, under a cloudless night sky, residents of New Haven wend their way up Prospect Street. Atop Science Hill, the Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium ...
On Oct. 13, the Gruber Foundation and the Departments of Astronomy and Physics presented the 2017 Gruber Cosmology Prize to astrophysicist Sandra Faber of the University of...