AMO Seminar: Priya Priya, Université Paris-Saclay, “Investigations on optophononic cavities operating at high-acoustic frequencies”

Event time: 
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Yale Science Building (YSB) See map
260 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

High-frequency acoustic phonons in the gigahertz frequency range have attained major attention in the classical and quantum physics community attributed to their long mean free paths and transducing possibilities. The coherent control on the high-frequency phonons in optomechanical systems provide access to stimulated Brillouin scattering or Brillouin lasing and at the same time enables quantum ground state cooling and generation of single phonon Fock states. Here, we develop an optophononic cavity resonator where we engineer the local density of phonon states and confined acoustic cavity modes for enhanced Brillouin interactions. We have theoretically and experimentally investigated the conventional Fabry-Perot and robust topological optophononic cavities for simultaneous confinement of phonons (18 GHz) and photons (1.34 eV). The confined acoustic modes can be characterized in the spectral domain using high-resolution Brillouin spectroscopy and in the time-domain using optical pump-probe techniques. The proposed optophononic cavity can be potentially coupled to a single quantum dot to modify the phonon-assisted single-photon emission and take a first step towards creating an acoustic analog of Purcell effect and generating a quantum state by exchange of single phonons.
Please email Daphne Klemme ( for zoom information.