Dissertation Defense: Yuxuan Cheng, Yale University

Event time: 
Monday, October 28, 2024 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Yale Science Building (YSB) See map
260 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

“Computational Studies of Deformable Particles Flowing Through Constrictions”

The dynamics of particle flows through confined geometries are crucial for understanding systems ranging from granular materials to microfluidic devices. We investigate single- and multi-particle flows of deformable particles to differentiate the effects of individual and collective particle behaviors. For single-particle flows, we calibrate our computational model using experiments of gravity-driven capillary droplets navigating constrictions. We show that deformability is the key factor in determining flow dynamics, and highly deformable droplets can wrap around obstacles, leading to reduced flow speed and increased clogging probability. In multi-particle flows, we demonstrate that dissipation mechanisms, particularly the ratio of viscous drag to kinetic friction, play a more important role in controlling discharge flow behavior.

Thesis committee: Corey O’Hern (advisor), Michael Murrell, Mark Shattuck, Diana Qiu